This is Us

Founded in September 2020, Oplly’s mission is to establish the world’s first website that allows fans to request personal video messages from their icons. It provides a platform for people to discover and request originally created videos from celebrities of all kind and share those videos with friends and family. A central aspect of Oplly's mission is to give back to the community. Therefore, a part of the video fee is donated to a good cause that both the fan and celebrity share. Some of the world’s best established charities are working with Oplly in trying to make the world a better place. It is core to Oplly`s vision and values.


 The Oplly Story

As is usually the case, the idea was born rather randomly. The occasion was a happy one – a wedding. To the enormous pleasure of the party crowd, the groom’s best man presented to the bridal couple some personal congratulation videos he had collected from various celebrities. Needless to say, that the videos were a huge success - not just with the crowd but also with bride and groom. Unable to forget this episode, we sketched out a plan the very next day… And so, the idea of Oplly was born: A simple platform that connects fans with celebrities all over the world. Over the fall of 2020, the team travelled through Bangladesh, held meetings in Dhaka, gathered knowledge and worked with different artists and other celebrities. The outcome however was amazing! A fully worked out concept, the first prototype and many artists who believed in our idea.